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Dahlia Tubers


Our online tuber store will be open on February 17th at 10am Pacific!


 Keep in mind that we are a SUPER small grower (we usually only have 1-2 plants/variety) so some varieties will not have as many tubers available.  We will begin shipping orders in early April.

Shipping rates (priority flat rate, USPS):

1-8 tubers: $11.00

9+ tubers: $18.00

NEW! We will happily combine orders. Here are your instructions: place your first order without a discount code.  On your second (and any orders after your first), please use the discount code "COMBINE" to remove shipping costs and to indicate that you want your orders combined. We are not able to combine orders after they are placed unless the code is used.


Early shipping is available if you'd like us to ship your tubers ASAP.  Please add "early shipping" to your cart for an additional $15 (extra packaging, a heat pack and up-sized shipping box). By choosing early shipping you are assuming the risk that comes with shipping a live product before the last frost (though we'll do our best to protect them!!).


For locals, we will offer cuttings for sale from April-June of many of our varieties.  If you were unable to secure the variety you wanted in tuber form at our sale and can pick up in Bothell or Woodinville, please send us a message at and we can start a cutting for you!

Be sure to sign up for our newsletter!  Newsletter subscribers will have early access to our tuber sale while it's password protected.

Looking for information on growing dahlias? 

A word about dahlia viruses, sanitation and labeling.

We actively cull (throw away) any plant that shows signs of virus or gall.  We have not tested our stock for virus, but have been growing dahlias for many years and are actively involved in our local dahlia society (PSDA) so we are aware of the signs of disease.  

We disinfect our harvest snips in between plants and our dividing tools in between tuber clumps to help mitigate the spread of disease.  

We also do our very best to maintain the integrity of each dahlia variety through labeling from the tuber stage to harvest and then again at digging.  When you purchase tubers from us, you will notice that they have a code written on them.  That code will correlate to the SKU on your invoice letting you know the variety. The code also helps you identify the mother tuber when you dig them in the fall.

If a mislabel or virused tuber manages to make it to you, please let us know by August 15th and please include a photo with your message. 

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